bright light
the shine flows clearly to the eyes
*ape yg ak mrepek nie???
nk ckap psal relationship kn???
ea... friend or lover or family or even relationship with God
GOD, msih banyak yg perlu sye blaja n ketahui n recall balik...
ea... bnyak yg sudah terlupa n x dipraktiskan sjak msuk uni... dan skrang bit by bit trying to
get to know the Islamic life that I forgot.. not that I menyempang jauh but
there's here and there yg sye dah lupe but solat is a MUST
wearing tudung... people says that it's personal choice but for me it's a MUST
Islam also mewajibkan kaum hawa supaya memakai pkaian menutup aurat
but nowdays hanya menutup tp bntuk tubuh still nmpak...insaf-insaf
Friends....bile msuk uni nie LAGI bnyak spesies org yg sye knal
yg boleh dibuat BFF
yg dibuat musuh??? hanya berbeza prinsip dan x suke care org tu, trus banned from
friends list =.='' * rmai jew x suke sye, sye tau but itula
realiti kehidupan... kite x blh trime n benci sesuatu hnya dia x sekepala ngan kite...
backstabbing n rumors... bnyak jew...snang cite,
face to face jew ngan org yg jd mangsa rumor tu
dengo crite sebenarnye... simple
bile dah gaduh, x nk ngaku salah ...sume ngaku x bersalah *susah jd org pompuan
kalo bdk lelaki "cool bro?" "cool beb, len kali ngan buat lg" the end
kalo pompuan??? fuyoooooooooooooo........... pnjang citenye..x tau bile the end
Family, agak berjauhan skrang....
mak, lol (azrul) n anis kt muo
amin (adik) n me kt Ukm
ayah kt Bkt Aman (stay kt Damansara) *kes nek pangkat
tp kteorg still in contact, x tau ler bile kteorg dah keje nty~~~
In between thinking bout it and ignore it......
bukan memilih dan bukan terlalu mengharap
sye pemalu *blush
bile crush on someone... buat x tau... xde nk try tackle or talk with that guy
the end.... ea, melepas~~~
umo dah msuk 23 thun *bln 10 nty
mmber de yg dah kawen, de anak pown ade, yg de steady gf/bf
sye??? x tau ler~~~ bukan taste llaki zman skrang kowt???
or muke sye nie serius sgat, bdk llaki takut nk tegur???
dgn prinsip segelintir bdk pompuan skrang "thin is beautiful"
thin smpai nk diet melampau2 tu bek x pyah kowt smpai bile dajak mkn,
"ak dh x mkn la mknan kt situ, nk diet"
dan de yg MEMANG dah kurus smpai nmpak tulang, blh ckap:
"eh, ak nmpak gemok laa!!!"
cis..... p*** ak yg mcm cik D nie pyah ok nk kecikkan..
mse PLKN dulu slim jew~ msuk sek (form 6) trus 'ternak' lemak2 kt bdn
teknik nk bersenam yg d ajar still remember, tp nk praktikkan??? keazaman x kuat laa...
p/s: try utk joging ble nek cuti sem CNY nty, semoga berjaya kpd diri sendiri
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